Travelling solo as a woman in India can be a rewarding and empowering journey, but prioritizing safety is essential. With the right precautions and tools, you can explore the country confidently. Here’s a guide to essential safety tips and apps that every solo female traveller should consider.

Plan Your Journey Carefully

Before you embark on your journey, invest time in detailed research about your destination. Familiarize yourself with local culture, customs, and any areas that might pose risks for solo travellers. By planning your accommodation and transportation, you can minimize last-minute stress and choose safer options, ensuring a more secure and enjoyable experience.

Dress Modestly

While India is a diverse country with varying cultural norms, dressing modestly is generally advisable. This not only shows respect for local traditions but also helps you blend in and avoid unwanted attention. Choose clothing that covers your shoulders, chest, and knees, particularly in rural or conservative regions.

Keep Your Belongings Secure

Carry a crossbody bag that you can keep close to your body and secure with zippers. Avoid displaying expensive jewellery or gadgets that might attract pickpockets. Keep your passport, money, and important documents in a money belt or hidden pouch.

Stay Connected

Always share your travel plans with a trusted friend or family member. Share your itinerary, hotel details, and daily updates. Keeping your phone charged and having a backup power bank can be a lifesaver in emergencies.

Trust Your Instincts

If something doesn’t feel right, trust your gut and remove yourself from the situation. Whether it’s declining a ride, walking away from a conversation, or leaving a location, your instincts are your best guide.

Download Essential Safety Apps

Having the right apps on your phone can significantly enhance your safety:

  • My Safetipin: This app provides safety scores for different areas based on factors like lighting, crowd density, and public transport availability. It also has a GPS tracking feature to share your location with loved ones.
  • bSafe: An excellent app for emergencies, bSafe offers a “follow me” feature, where your chosen contacts can track your journey in real time. It also features an SOS button that transmits a distress signal along with your location to emergency contacts.
  • Himmat: A safety application developed by the Delhi Police specifically for women’s safety in India. It’s designed to provide quick assistance in emergencies and is particularly useful for women travelling alone or in unfamiliar areas.
  • 112 India: This official government app connects you to local emergency services at the press of a button. It’s especially useful for travellers who might not be familiar with local emergency numbers.

Travelling solo in India as a woman can be a rewarding adventure. By following these essential safety tips and leveraging helpful apps, you can explore with confidence and enjoy all that India has to offer.